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* render.c
* Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Craig E. Kolb, Rod G. Bogart
* This software may be freely copied, modified, and redistributed
* provided that this copyright notice is preserved on all copies.
* You may not distribute this software, in whole or in part, as part of
* any commercial product without the express consent of the authors.
* There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software
* for any purpose. It is provided solely "as is".
* render.c,v 4.1 1994/08/09 08:06:25 explorer Exp
* render.c,v
* Revision 4.1 1994/08/09 08:06:25 explorer
* Bump version to 4.1
* Revision 1994/08/08 04:52:27 explorer
* Initial import. This is a prerelease of 4.0.6enh3, or 4.1 possibly.
* Revision 4.0 91/07/17 17:37:09 kolb
* Initial version.
#include "rayshade.h"
#include "libcommon/sampling.h"
#include "libsurf/atmosphere.h"
#include "viewing.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "stats.h"
#include "picture.h"
* "Dither matrices" used to encode the 'number' of a ray that samples a
* particular portion of a pixel. Hand-coding is ugly, but...
static int *SampleNumbers;
static int OneSample[1] = {0};
static int TwoSamples[4] = {0, 2,
3, 1};
static int ThreeSamples[9] = {0, 2, 7,
6, 5, 1,
3, 8, 4};
static int FourSamples[16] = { 0, 8, 2, 10,
12, 4, 14, 6,
3, 11, 1, 9,
15, 7, 13, 5};
static int FiveSamples[25] = { 0, 8, 23, 17, 2,
19, 12, 4, 20, 15,
3, 21, 16, 9, 6,
14, 10, 24, 1, 13,
22, 7, 18, 11, 5};
static int SixSamples[36] = { 6, 32, 3, 34, 35, 1,
7, 11, 27, 28, 8, 30,
24, 14, 16, 15, 23, 19,
13, 20, 22, 21, 17, 18,
25, 29, 10, 9, 26, 12,
36, 5, 33, 4, 2, 31};
static int SevenSamples[49] = {22, 47, 16, 41, 10, 35, 4,
5, 23, 48, 17, 42, 11, 29,
30, 6, 24, 49, 18, 36, 12,
13, 31, 7, 25, 43, 19, 37,
38, 14, 32, 1, 26, 44, 20,
21, 39, 8, 33, 2, 27, 45,
46, 15, 40, 9, 34, 3, 28};
static int EightSamples[64] = { 8, 58, 59, 5, 4, 62, 63, 1,
49, 15, 14, 52, 53, 11, 10, 56,
41, 23, 22, 44, 45, 19, 18, 48,
32, 34, 35, 29, 28, 38, 39, 25,
40, 26, 27, 37, 36, 30, 31, 33,
17, 47, 46, 20, 21, 43, 42, 24,
9, 55, 54, 12, 13, 51, 50, 16,
64, 2, 3, 61, 60, 6, 7, 57};
#define RFAC 0.299
#define GFAC 0.587
#define BFAC 0.114
#define NOT_CLOSED 0
#define CLOSED_SUPER 2
* If a region has area < MINAREA, it is considered to be "closed",
* (a permanent leaf). Regions that meet this criterion
* are drawn pixel-by-pixel rather.
#define MINAREA 9
#define SQ_AREA(s) (((s)->xsize+1)*((s)->ysize+1))
#define PRIORITY(s) ((s)->var * SQ_AREA(s))
#define INTENSITY(p) ((RFAC*(p)[0] + GFAC*(p)[1] + BFAC*(p)[2])/255.)
#define OVERLAPS_RECT(s) (!Rectmode || \
((s)->xpos <= Rectx1 && \
(s)->ypos <= Recty1 && \
(s)->xpos+(s)->xsize >= Rectx0 && \
(s)->ypos+(s)->ysize >= Recty0))
typedef unsigned char RGB[3];
static RGB **Image;
static char **SampleMap;
* Sample square
typedef struct SSquare {
short xpos, ypos, xsize, ysize;
short depth;
short leaf, closed;
float mean, var, prio;
struct SSquare *child[4], *parent;
} SSquare;
SSquare *SSquares, *SSquareCreate(), *SSquareInstall(), *SSquareSelect(),
Float SSquareComputeLeafVar();
Ray TopRay; /* Top-level ray. */
int Rectmode = FALSE,
Rectx0, Recty0, Rectx1, Recty1;
int SuperSampleMode = 0;
#define SSCLOSED (SuperSampleMode + 1)
Render(argc, argv, gray)
int argc;
char **argv;
int gray;
* Do an adaptive trace, displaying results in a
* window as we go.
SSquare *cursq;
Pixel *pixelbuf;
int y, x;
* The top-level ray TopRay always has as its origin the
* eye position and as its medium NULL, indicating that it
* is passing through a medium with index of refraction
* equal to DefIndex.
TopRay.pos = Camera.pos;
TopRay.media = (Medium *)0;
TopRay.depth = 0;
* Doesn't handle motion blur yet.
TopRay.time = Options.framestart;
GraphicsInit(Screen.xsize, Screen.ysize, "rayview", gray);
* Allocate array of samples.
Image=(RGB **)Malloc(Screen.ysize*sizeof(RGB *));
SampleMap = (char **)Malloc(Screen.ysize * sizeof(char *));
for (y = 0; y < Screen.ysize; y++) {
Image[y]=(RGB *)Calloc(Screen.xsize, sizeof(RGB));
SampleMap[y] = (char *)Calloc(Screen.xsize, sizeof(char));
switch (Sampling.sidesamples) {
case 1:
SampleNumbers = OneSample;
case 2:
SampleNumbers = TwoSamples;
case 3:
SampleNumbers = ThreeSamples;
case 4:
SampleNumbers = FourSamples;
case 5:
SampleNumbers = FiveSamples;
case 6:
SampleNumbers = SixSamples;
case 7:
SampleNumbers = SevenSamples;
case 8:
SampleNumbers = EightSamples;
"Sorry, %d rays/pixel not supported.\n",
* Take initial four samples
SSquareSample(0, 0, FALSE);
SSquareSample(Screen.xsize -1, 0, FALSE);
SSquareSample(Screen.xsize -1, Screen.ysize -1, FALSE);
SSquareSample(0, Screen.ysize -1, FALSE);
SSquares = SSquareInstall(0, 0, Screen.xsize -1, Screen.ysize -1,
0, (SSquare *) NULL);
for (y = 1; y <= 5; y++) {
* Create and draw every region at depth y.
SSquareDivideToDepth(SSquares, y);
while ((cursq = SSquareSelect(SSquares)) != (SSquare *)NULL) {
if (GraphicsRedraw())
if (GraphicsMiddleMouseEvent())
* Finished the image; write to image file.
pixelbuf = (Pixel *)Malloc(Screen.xsize * sizeof(Pixel));
for (y = 0; y < Screen.ysize; y++) {
* This is really disgusting.
for (x = 0; x < Screen.xsize; x++) {
pixelbuf[x].r = Image[y][x][0] / 255.;
pixelbuf[x].g = Image[y][x][1] / 255.;
pixelbuf[x].b = Image[y][x][2] / 255.;
pixelbuf[x].alpha = SampleMap[y][x];
int sampnum;
Float window, jitter = 0.0, res;
if (Options.shutterspeed <= 0.)
return Options.framestart;
if (Options.jitter)
jitter = nrand();
window = Options.shutterspeed / Sampling.totsamples;
res = Options.framestart + window * (sampnum + jitter);
return res;
int x1,y1,x2,y2;
if (Rectmode) {
Rectmode = FALSE;
GraphicsGetMousePos(&x1, &y1);
while (GraphicsMiddleMouseEvent())
GraphicsGetMousePos(&x2, &y2);
if (x1 < x2) {
Rectx0 = (x1 < 0) ? 0 : x1;
Rectx1 = (x2 >= Screen.xsize) ? Screen.xsize - 1 : x2;
} else {
Rectx0 = (x2 < 0) ? 0 : x2;
Rectx1 = (x1 >= Screen.xsize) ? Screen.xsize - 1 : x1;
} if (y1 < y2) {
Recty0 = (y1 < 0) ? 0 : y1;
Recty1 = (y2 >= Screen.ysize) ? Screen.ysize - 1 : y2;
} else {
Recty0 = (y2 < 0) ? 0 : y2;
Recty1 = (y1 >= Screen.ysize) ? Screen.ysize - 1 : y1;
Rectmode = TRUE;
/* setup current rect */
SSquare *sq;
Float maxp;
if (!OVERLAPS_RECT(sq)) {
sq->closed = SSCLOSED;
return FALSE;
if (sq->leaf) {
if (SQ_AREA(sq) >= MINAREA)
sq->closed = NOT_CLOSED;
return TRUE;
maxp = 0.;
if (RecomputePriority(sq->child[0]))
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[0]->prio);
if (RecomputePriority(sq->child[1]))
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[1]->prio);
if (RecomputePriority(sq->child[2]))
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[2]->prio);
if (RecomputePriority(sq->child[3]))
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[3]->prio);
sq->prio = maxp;
#if 0
if ((sq->child[0]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER) &&
(sq->child[1]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER) &&
(sq->child[2]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER) &&
(sq->child[3]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER))
sq->closed = CLOSED_SUPER;
else if (sq->child[0]->closed && sq->child[1]->closed &&
sq->child[2]->closed && sq->child[3]->closed)
sq->closed = CLOSED_PARTIAL;
sq->closed = NOT_CLOSED;
if ((sq->child[0]->closed >= SSCLOSED) &&
(sq->child[1]->closed >= SSCLOSED) &&
(sq->child[2]->closed >= SSCLOSED) &&
(sq->child[3]->closed >= SSCLOSED))
sq->closed = SSCLOSED;
sq->closed = NOT_CLOSED;
return TRUE;
SSquareSample(x, y, supersample)
int x, y, supersample;
Float upos, vpos, u, v;
int xx, yy, xp, sampnum, usamp, vsamp;
Pixel ctmp;
Pixel p;
extern unsigned char correct();
if (SampleMap[y][x] >= 128 + supersample)
/* already a sample there */
SampleMap[y][x] = 128 + supersample;
if (supersample) {
p.r = p.g = p.b = p.alpha = 0;
sampnum = 0;
xp = x + Screen.minx;
vpos = Screen.miny + y - 0.5*Sampling.filterwidth;
for (yy = 0; yy < Sampling.sidesamples; yy++,
vpos += Sampling.filterdelta) {
upos = xp - 0.5*Sampling.filterwidth;
for (xx = 0; xx < Sampling.sidesamples; xx++,
upos += Sampling.filterdelta) {
if (Options.jitter) {
u = upos + nrand()*Sampling.filterdelta;
v = vpos + nrand()*Sampling.filterdelta;
} else {
u = upos;
v = vpos;
TopRay.time = SampleTime(SampleNumbers[sampnum]);
SampleScreen(u, v, &TopRay, &ctmp,
p.r += ctmp.r*Sampling.filter[xx][yy];
p.g += ctmp.g*Sampling.filter[xx][yy];
p.b += ctmp.b*Sampling.filter[xx][yy];
if (++sampnum == Sampling.totsamples)
sampnum = 0;
else {
sampnum = nrand() * Sampling.totsamples;
usamp = sampnum % Sampling.sidesamples;
vsamp = sampnum / Sampling.sidesamples;
vpos = Screen.miny + y - 0.5*Sampling.filterwidth
+ vsamp * Sampling.filterdelta;
upos = x + Screen.minx - 0.5*Sampling.filterwidth +
if (Options.jitter) {
vpos += nrand()*Sampling.filterdelta;
upos += nrand()*Sampling.filterdelta;
TopRay.time = SampleTime(SampleNumbers[sampnum]);
SampleScreen(upos, vpos, &TopRay, &p, SampleNumbers[sampnum]);
Image[y][x][0] = CORRECT(p.r);
Image[y][x][1] = CORRECT(p.g);
Image[y][x][2] = CORRECT(p.b);
SSquare *
SSquareCreate(xp, yp, xs, ys, d, parent)
int xp, yp, xs, ys, d;
SSquare *parent;
SSquare *new;
Float i1, i2, i3, i4;
new = (SSquare *)Calloc(1, sizeof(SSquare));
new->xpos = xp; new->ypos = yp;
new->xsize = xs; new->ysize = ys;
new->depth = d;
new->parent = parent;
i1 = INTENSITY(Image[new->ypos][new->xpos]);
i2 = INTENSITY(Image[new->ypos+new->ysize][new->xpos]);
i3 = INTENSITY(Image[new->ypos+new->ysize][new->xpos+new->xsize]);
i4 = INTENSITY(Image[new->ypos][new->xpos+new->xsize]);
new->mean = 0.25 * (i1+i2+i3+i4);
if (SQ_AREA(new) < MINAREA) {
new->prio = 0;
new->closed = SSCLOSED;
} else {
new->var = SSquareComputeLeafVar(new, i1, i2, i3, i4);
new->prio = PRIORITY(new);
new->closed = NOT_CLOSED;
new->leaf = TRUE;
return new;
SSquareComputeLeafVar(sq, i1, i2, i3, i4)
SSquare *sq;
Float i1, i2, i3, i4;
Float res, diff;
diff = i1 - sq->mean;
res = diff*diff;
diff = i2 - sq->mean;
res += diff*diff;
diff = i3 - sq->mean;
res += diff*diff;
diff = i4 - sq->mean;
return res + diff*diff;
SSquareDivideToDepth(sq, d)
SSquare *sq;
int d;
if (sq->depth == d)
if (sq->leaf)
SSquareDivideToDepth(sq->child[0], d);
SSquareDivideToDepth(sq->child[1], d);
SSquareDivideToDepth(sq->child[2], d);
SSquareDivideToDepth(sq->child[3], d);
SSquare *sq;
int lowx, lowy, midx, midy, hix, hiy;
int newxsize, newysize, ndepth, supersample;
* Divide the square into fourths by tracing 12
* new samples if necessary.
newxsize = sq->xsize / 2;
newysize = sq->ysize / 2;
lowx = sq->xpos; lowy = sq->ypos;
midx = sq->xpos + newxsize;
midy = sq->ypos + newysize;
hix = sq->xpos + sq->xsize;
hiy = sq->ypos + sq->ysize;
ndepth = sq->depth + 1;
/* create new samples */
supersample = FALSE;
SSquareSample(midx, lowy, supersample);
SSquareSample(lowx, midy, supersample);
SSquareSample(midx, midy, supersample);
SSquareSample(hix, midy, supersample);
SSquareSample(midx, hiy, supersample);
/* create and draw new squares */
sq->child[0] = SSquareInstall(lowx,lowy,newxsize,newysize,ndepth,sq);
sq->child[1] = SSquareInstall(midx, lowy, sq->xsize - newxsize,
newysize, ndepth,sq);
sq->child[2] = SSquareInstall(lowx, midy, newxsize,
sq->ysize - newysize, ndepth,sq);
sq->child[3] = SSquareInstall(midx, midy, sq->xsize - newxsize,
sq->ysize - newysize, ndepth,sq);
* draw additional samples in order to subdivide such that
* edges of regions do not overlap
SSquareSample(midx +1, lowy, supersample);
SSquareSample(midx +1, midy, supersample);
SSquareSample(lowx, midy +1, supersample);
SSquareSample(midx, midy +1, supersample);
SSquareSample(midx +1, midy +1, supersample);
SSquareSample(hix, midy +1, supersample);
SSquareSample(midx +1, hiy, supersample);
/* create and draw new squares */
sq->child[0] = SSquareInstall(lowx,lowy,
sq->child[1] = SSquareInstall(midx+1, lowy, sq->xsize - newxsize -1,
newysize, ndepth,sq);
sq->child[2] = SSquareInstall(lowx, midy+1, newxsize,
sq->ysize - newysize-1, ndepth,sq);
sq->child[3] = SSquareInstall(midx+1, midy+1, sq->xsize - newxsize-1,
sq->ysize - newysize-1, ndepth,sq);
sq->leaf = FALSE;
* Recompute parent's mean and variance.
SSquare *sq;
Float maxp;
int in[4], closeflag;
in[0] = OVERLAPS_RECT(sq->child[0]);
in[1] = OVERLAPS_RECT(sq->child[1]);
in[2] = OVERLAPS_RECT(sq->child[2]);
in[3] = OVERLAPS_RECT(sq->child[3]);
if ((in[0] && (sq->child[0]->closed < SSCLOSED)) ||
(in[1] && (sq->child[1]->closed < SSCLOSED)) ||
(in[2] && (sq->child[2]->closed < SSCLOSED)) ||
(in[3] && (sq->child[3]->closed < SSCLOSED))) {
maxp = 0.;
if (in[0])
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[0]->prio);
if (in[1])
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[1]->prio);
if (in[2])
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[2]->prio);
if (in[3])
maxp = max(maxp, sq->child[3]->prio);
sq->closed = NOT_CLOSED;
sq->prio = maxp;
} else if ((sq->child[0]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER) &&
(sq->child[1]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER) &&
(sq->child[2]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER) &&
(sq->child[3]->closed == CLOSED_SUPER)) {
sq->closed = CLOSED_SUPER;
sq->prio = 0;
#if 0
} else if ((!in[0] || sq->child[0]->closed >= SSCLOSED) &&
(!in[1] || sq->child[1]->closed >= SSCLOSED) &&
(!in[2] || sq->child[2]->closed >= SSCLOSED) &&
(!in[3] || sq->child[3]->closed >= SSCLOSED)) {
sq->closed = SSCLOSED;
sq->prio = 0;
} else {
sq->closed = SSCLOSED;
sq->prio = 0;
if (sq->parent)
SSquare *
SSquareInstall(xp, yp, xs, ys, d, parent)
int xp, yp, xs, ys, d;
SSquare *parent;
SSquare *new;
new = SSquareCreate(xp, yp, xs, ys, d, parent);
return new;
SSquare *
SSquare *list;
int i;
SSquare *res, *which;
* If mousebutton is pressed,
* find the square in which the mouse is located and
* return that if not a leaf (pixel-sized square).
if (GraphicsLeftMouseEvent()) {
SuperSampleMode = 0;
if ((res = SSquareFetchAtMouse(list)) != (SSquare *)NULL)
return res;
else if (GraphicsRightMouseEvent()) {
SuperSampleMode = 1;
if ((res = SSquareFetchAtMouse(list)) != (SSquare *)NULL) {
return res;
if (list->closed >= SSCLOSED) {
if (Rectmode) {
Rectmode = FALSE;
return SSquareSelect(list);
return (SSquare *)NULL;
* Otherwise, find the square with the greatest
* 'priority'.
res = list;
while (res && !res->leaf) {
which = (SSquare *)NULL;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if ((res->child[i]->closed < SSCLOSED) &&
OVERLAPS_RECT(res->child[i])) {
which = res->child[i];
while (++i < 4) {
if ((res->child[i]->closed < SSCLOSED) &&
which->prio < res->child[i]->prio &&
which = res->child[i];
res = which;
return res;
SSquare *
SSquare *list;
SSquare *res;
int x, y;
* Get mouse position.
GraphicsGetMousePos(&x, &y);
res = list;
while (!res->leaf && (res->closed < SSCLOSED)) {
* Find in which child the mouse is located.
if (x < res->child[1]->xpos) {
if (y < res->child[2]->ypos)
res = res->child[0];
res = res->child[2];
} else if (y < res->child[3]->ypos)
res = res->child[1];
res = res->child[3];
if (res->closed >= SSCLOSED)
return (SSquare *)NULL;
return res;
SSquare *sq;
if (SQ_AREA(sq) >= MINAREA)
GraphicsDrawRectangle(sq->xpos, sq->ypos, sq->xsize, sq->ysize,
DrawPixels(sq->xpos, sq->ypos, sq->xsize, sq->ysize);
if (!sq->leaf) {
DrawPixels(xp, yp, xs, ys)
int xp, yp, xs, ys;
int x, y, xi, yi;
yi = yp;
for (y = 0; y <= ys; y++, yi++) {
xi = xp;
for (x = 0; x <= xs; x++, xi++) {
SSquareSample(xi, yi, SuperSampleMode);
GraphicsDrawPixel(xi, yi, Image[yi][xi]);